New Zealand has the best government money can buy. - Grant McLachlan
I have never met a politician who has exceeded my low expectations of them. - Grant McLachlan
I have a face for radio and a voice for writing. - Grant McLachlan
New Zealand has the cheapest government money can buy. - Grant McLachlan
Never confuse determination with arrogance. Arrogance will look down on you, determination will run over you. - Grant McLachlan
I would prefer to try and fail than to not try at all. - Grant McLachlan
Egotorial: An editorial in broadcasting or print media where the subject matter is secondary to the superficial, pretentious, antagonistic, or materialistic ego of the author. - Grant McLachlan
Egotorial: An editorial in broadcasting or print media where the subject matter is secondary to the superficial, pretentious, or materialist ego of the author. - Grant McLachlan
Exceed expectations" is such a lispy term. I hope that it never infiltrates the bedroom or sport. - Grant McLachlan
If love makes the world go around, then money greases the axles. - Grant McLachlan
The prerequisite for a banker is Strait As and no talent. - Grant McLachlan